- cover
- Synonyms and related words:American plan, European plan, Smyth sewing, a la carte, abri, account for, accouple, accumulate, act, admit, afghan, agglutinate, air cover, air raid, air support, air-raid shelter, alibi, altar carpet, altar cloth, alternate, amass, ante, ante up, antepast, antimacassar, apology, apply paint, apply to, arm, armor, articulate, assemble, assimilate, associate, asylum, atone, attire, awning, back, backing, baldachin, ball, band, bang, bar, barricade, batten, batten down, be gravid, be intimate, be knocked up, be pregnant, be with child, beach umbrella, becloud, bed linen, bedaub, bedclothes, bedcover, bedding, bedizen, bedsheet, bedspread, befog, begild, besmear, bespread, bet, bet on, bibliopegy, bind, binder board, binding, blanket, bless, blind, block, block up, blockade, boards, boil, bolt-hole, bomb shelter, bombing, bombproof, bond, book cloth, book cover, book jacket, bookbinding, bookcase, bracket, breed, bridge, bridge over, broil, brood, brush on paint, buffalo robe, bulwark, bung, bunker, bury, button, button up, cache, calcimine, call, camouflage, canopy, cap, carpet, carry, carry young, case, casemaking, casing-in, casserole, caulk, cave, cement, centerpiece, cerecloth, cerement, chain, champion, chink, choke, choke off, choke up, chrismal, ciborium, clap, clap together, cloak, clock, clog, clog up, close, close up, cloth, clothe, clothes, cloud, coat, cohabit, collating, collating mark, collect, color, combine, come together, comfort, comforter, command, commit adultery, compass about, compensate, compensate for, complete, complexion, comprehend, comprise, concatenate, conceal, concealment, congest, conglobulate, conjoin, conjugate, connect, constipate, constrict, contain, contour sheet, contract, cope, copulate, copyright, cork, corner, corporal, count in, counter, counterbalance, counterpane, couple, course, couvert, cover charge, cover story, cover up, cover-up, coverage, covering, coverlet, coverlid, covers, covert, coverture, cowl, cowling, cozy, cranny, cross, crown, cubby, cubbyhole, culinary masterpiece, culinary preparation, curtain, cushion, cyclone cellar, dab, dam, dam up, dark corner, daub, deal with, deck, deep-dye, defend, defense, defray, den, dessert, device, diddle, dip, disguise, dish, dissemble, distemper, distract attention from, ditch, do, do a hitch, do a stint, do a tour, do penance, do time, doily, dossal, double, double-dye, drape, drapery, draw the curtains, dress, dry run, dugout, dust cover, dust jacket, dye, earth, eclipse, eiderdown, emblazon, embody, embrace, enamel, encircle, enclose, encompass, enfold, engild, engulf, enlist, ensconce, enshroud, ensure, entree, entremets, envelop, environ, envisage, excuse, expiate, extend, extend over, eye, facade, face, fade, fallout shelter, false front, fanon, fast-dye, fasten, feint, fence, fend, fill, fill in, fill in for, fill out, fill up, film, fingerstall, fitted sheet, floor, floor covering, flooring, fold, fold up, folding, footband, fornicate, foul, foxhole, fresco, frig, front, fry, funk hole, gamble, garb, gather, gathering, gestate, gild, give and take, glaze, gloss, gloss over, glue, gluing-off, go, go out, go over, grain, grill, ground, grow over, guarantee, guard, guise, handle, hanging, harbor, harborage, hard binding, hatch, have a go, have sex, have sexual relations, have tenure, haven, hazard, headband, help, helping, hide, hideaway, hideout, hidey hole, hiding, hiding place, hold, hold office, hole, hood, housing, hue, illuminate, imbue, include, incorporate, incubate, indemnify, ingrain, insure, inundate, jacket, jalousie, jam, japan, join, keep, keep a watch, keep from harm, keep under cover, key, knot, lacquer, lair, lame excuse, lap robe, latch, lay, lay a wager, lay down, lay on, lay on color, lay over, lay together, layer, league, lee, library binding, lid, lie, lie on, lie with, light shield, linen, lining, lining-up, link, lock, lock out, lock up, locus standi, lump together, main dish, make a bet, make amends, make compensation, make good, make it with, make love, make out, make safe, make up for, mantle, marquee, marquise, marry, marshal, mask, masquerade, mass, mate, measure, mechanical binding, meet a bet, merge, milk run, mission, mobilize, mount, muffle, nestle, niche, niggerhead, nook, number among, obduce, obfuscate, obscure, obstipate, obstruct, occlude, occult, occupy, offset, operculum, ordinary, ostensible motive, overcast, overgrow, overlay, overlie, overpass, overshadow, overspread, pack, padlock, paint, pair, pall, parasol, parget, parlay, parquet, pass, pass over, pass through, patchwork quilt, patent, patrol, pave, pavement, pavilion, paving, pay back, perambulate, peregrinate, pererrate, perfect binding, piece together, pigment, pillow slip, pillowcase, place, plastic binding, plate, play against, pledget, plug, plug up, plumb, plunge, ply, police, poor excuse, port, portion, preservation, pretense, pretension, pretext, prime, protect, protection, protective custody, protestation, provide for, public motive, punt, purdah, put on, put together, put-off, put-on, quilt, range, range over, re-up, reach, reach out, receive, recess, reckon among, reckon in, reckon with, recompense, reconnaissance, reconnaissance mission, reconnoiter, rectify, reenlist, refuge, register, relieve, repay, retaliate, retreat, ride shotgun for, roast, robe, roll into one, rounding, rug, run, run riot, saddle stitching, safeguard, safekeeping, safety, safety zone, sanctuary, scarf, scour, scour the country, scout, scramble, screen, screw, scum, seal, seal off, seal up, second helping, secret place, secrete, secure, security, see, self-service, semblance, serve, serve time, service, serving, set, set right, sewing, shade, shader, shadow, sham, sheathe, sheet, sheeting, shellac, shelter, shield, show, shroud, shut, shut the door, shut up, shutter, shuttle raid, side dish, side sewing, sign up, signature, sit, sit in, slam, sleep with, slip, slipcase, slipcover, slop on paint, slur over, smashing, smear, smoke screen, snap, soft binding, solder, sortie, span, spell, spell off, spile, spiral binding, splice, spread, spread over, squeeze shut, stain, stake, stalking-horse, stamping, stanch, stand in, stand pat, stapling, stash, stay, stench, stick together, stipple, stop, stop up, stopper, stopple, storm cave, storm cellar, straddle, strafing, strangle, stratagem, stretch, stretch out, stuff, stuff up, submerge, substitute, subterfuge, sunblind, sunshade, superimpose, superpose, surfacing, surround, swaddle, swarm over, sweep, tablecloth, tailband, take charge, take in, take into account, take into consideration, take over, take turns, take up, tape, tarpaulin, teem over, terra firma, tester, thrust out, tidy, tie, time off, tinct, tincture, tinge, tint, tipping, tone, top, track, training mission, transit, travel, travel over, travel through, traverse, trench, trick, trimming, umbrella, undercoat, undercovert, underwrite, unify, unite, varnish, veil, veiling, venetian blind, vestment, voyage, wager, wash, watchful eye, weld, whitewash, window shade, wire stitching, wrap, wrapper, wraps, yoke, zip up, zipper
Moby Thesaurus. Grady Ward. 1996.